青蛇與白蛇 Madam White Snake EP.21 4/7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWhVmK9fHKI&feature=fvw At 6:40/9:58Liar cannot be good enough to have ears and eyes for honest talk, therefore, they only way to help them to live is to force them to stay under hottest sun or inside coldest dark (Coldest dark can only frozen to harden the stubborn of the lie, no way to melt [the side effect is that melting spread lie invisib 墾丁民宿ly every where, that may explain how come Satan frozen all those lies under its hells; that how the Earth must be totally burned down locked deepest darkest if you cannot make all liars to kill and be killed.] the sick away like the hottest sun does.) to force them has no way to commit "自.7.7.Ren" lie. ---------------------------------- 日月潭民宿---------------------------------------------------------------------------青蛇與白蛇 Madam White Snake EP.28 7/7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCTy2u_JLcs&NR=1 At 6:31/9:55The reason "10.0" and "Shower.Shower" can get that path to cross over that deadly line to see his mom, because both of them are pure virgin. You are pure virgin (That how "10.0" can 麻辣鍋do better than 青蛇, that how "Shower.Shower" can help "10.0" but not "10.0.The.10.Fool" 青蛇.) , you can always rely on "Dow.The.尺.Do" to get a easy way of life. That how a man indeed loves that woman, must have to do his best to help that woman to keep her pure virgin. 白蛇 "Show.Sin" 20 years failed to have honest eyes to see through "Sheng.4.Man" like all real snake 麻辣火鍋 can, like real powerless helpless woman can see that man can have that suck to burden her with that heavy mom duty, must not indeed truly love her, deserve lost all her blood in front of her eyes. Her son "10.0" too suck to know that son must leave his mom alone at her own place after he no longer need to rely on her to take care him. His mom is a criminal snake liar, too suck 火鍋吃到飽 to deserve that good luck to be killed by mankind, therefore, must have to be jailed in the hell by "Yu.Huang.Duck.Deed.The.Ten.Bean.Ten.John". -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------青蛇與白蛇 Madam White Snake EP.29 4/7http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7zE81QBGnY&NR=1 At 05:14/10:03Surrounded by liar, even "Yan.Lone.Want" must be fooled to 盤纏銀兩oled by liar, that how you must not ever beg or worship Idol or Ghost (Because Idol or Ghost is not God, must have no way to see through cheating hard. That how man has to do the duty to kill any liar showing in front of his eyes, so that to do his best to help "Yan.Lone.Want" not to be fooled tooled by liar. Because if you have "Yan.Lone.Want" fooled tooled by liar, your entire Earth must have to be burned down by Sun, so tha 金瓜石民宿t to lock "Yan.Lone.Want" along with all liar deepest darkest indefinitely.) , you have to rely on your righteous hot to earn righteous Ghost to be your side. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------青蛇與白蛇 Madam White Snake EP.29 6/7http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfFIXUuY_ow&NR=1 At 02:40/10:02"Boot.Curse.Shock.Ren" is woman's weak sick wicked sight, like Chinese said "Nun.女.Yo.Byell", wo 九份民宿man must not take the action to kill, woman can only hide behind a man to leave that man to do the duty to kill. That how that 白蛇 must not kill, that Monk must have to do the "Tea.Ten.Sin.Dow" duty to kill any liar showing in front of his eyes the most merciful way available to him instead of giving his ears and eyes fooled tooled by that 白蛇 lie (Liar too suck to see honest point, therefore, even 20 years "Show.Sin", that 白蛇 lie still cannot have that honest eyes to see things 清境right that evil Chinese said "Moon.子.Lain.Sin" is lie, because all parent must be either stupid or evil, no way to know any one else heart. You are Mother, you cannot even be looked same young as your son [Mother looked same young as her son, she must be cheating hard lair.], not mention to have the same heart beat that your son must have to reserve for his own only true love.) .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 汽車美容 .
- Mar 04 Sun 2012 11:09
青蛇與白蛇 Madam White Snake EP.21 4/7